I chose today's quote in relation to my new found hobby, not regarding marriages. I am struggling on the road of photography. I am struggling with a lot of it. The above two shots were taken at my second wedding as a videographer/photographer this weekend. I am learning a lot about the video end of it, however I think I have realized how little I know about the photography part of it.
I have come home from these amazing events, uploaded the photos and feel terribly discouraged about the ratio of good vs. bad captures. The bad are outweighing the good by a large margin.
I'm no expert, but I've heard from others that it's normal to have to take lots of pics and for each really good one there will be a lot of not-so-good ones...
I love the ones you chose to share, especially that first one - absolutely beautiful!
I know from reading your blog for a while that you definitely have a talent for photography... I'm sure it's different when doing it for a job but I think you're doing great, please try not to feel discouraged!
These shots are BEAUTIFUL! Just like I told you earlier today... You have an amazing talent and you inspire me to take better pictures because of it. I think your too hard on yourself.
Keep doing what you do best and you will only grow and get better at your god given talent. HUGS! XOXOXO
iLove B&W pictures!
The quote is so perfect and beautiful!
I am a big fan of your pictures, they are precious!
Have a ♥Lovely♥ Sunday!!!
I think these shots are magnificent! Your first couple of weddings are always a challenge. Thats why too many photos are okay in the beginning. And thank god for photoshop and other softwares. For the over exposed ones.... aren't you just thankful for black and white! I would love to see more photos. Email me some that you think are "bad" I will touch them up for you if I can. I love to edit photos and always love a challenge.
You are way to hard on yourself and remember this is a neverending journey and you are your biggest critic. This couple will probably enjoy every picture you took!
I know you're frustrated, but goodness...your photos blow me away!!
Aww don't get too discouraged! I love those shots :)
The more you shoot, the more you will figure out your style and learn to deal with shooting in stressful situations. I'm also in that process!
Oh hon..these are wonderful!! What you got is the normal deal - do not for a moment beat yourself up. I choose maybe one from every 50+ shots I take. Don't let the not so great ones get you down... delight in the great shots hon!! The only lesson...I have learned this one too of late...take LOTS and LOTs of pictures!!
I love, love the second one - what a great memory that will be!! Breathe and sending a hug!!!
Namaste, Sarah
These look great!
You are in your growth of learning and with it is the lovely...or not so lovely growing pains! So don't get too discouraged. You will learn and grow more confident as you keep it up! I think it is normal to feel this way when you are sharing your art! Because it is a piece of you and you want to make sure that it is top notch, but you should know that these really are great pictures!
You have a wonderful eye! These shots are terrific. Each photo you take is a stepping stone. It looks like you're on a journey filled with surprises and excitement as you embark on your photography career. Good luck. I'm sure you'll "shine"!
I can only imagine, but I really (REALLY) love your captures, Alisha! And, these two are beautiful. Great job!
Beautiful Shots. I would imagine that it's so not easy to photograph under pressure. But keep on going lady - you've just got that eye.
They look great to me!
Just keep at it...practice makes perfect, you know! ;)
Sweetie, we only keep 60-70% of what we shoot - we can easily shoot 4000 images and while not all pitched are bad, they are similar, or things didn't work like we thought they would, etc. Often we take the shot more than once if possible then choose the best one.
Weddings are not easy, at all. So much going on, poor lighting, lots of action, spontaneous moments, etc. Exhausting!
Those are beautiful! Keep pushing onward! Your photography is beautiful.
I'm by no means a photographer, but I'm thinking you are probably just your own worst critic. 'Cause everything I've seen here on your blog is amazing! And these photos are no exception. I'm guessing the bride LOVES what you captured.
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