Friday, December 12, 2008

PhotoStory Friday-Christmas Past

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

This photo was taken last Christmas. I had only been a mother of two girls for 26 full days. Despite the well seen dark circles under my eyes, everything was going wonderfully.

I bought the girls matching onesies that year. They said, "I Am The Perfect Present".

They are the perfect present, everyday of the year.


Bren said...

Amen to that! Children are the greatest gift!

tammi said...

I need to remind myself of that more often ~ maybe I'll have to buy my girls shirts like that!!

Beautiful picture.

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

oh my, that is an absolutely precious picture! what a beautiful moment to capture!

Lorina said...


Great picture!

Jenners said...

Gorgeous photo! I'd love to see one from this year if you get a fun to see how little ones grow each year!

Thanks for stopping by my Photo Story Friday!

Lorie said...

I love those onsies!!

larkswing said...

Now that is a great choice for a photo! You and your presents, very sweet.

Thanks for coming by!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet photo of you and your girls. I agree you should post one from this year. Thanks for visiting.

Anonymous said...

Perfect onsies! And so fun to look back and see how much as changed in a year.

Debbie in CA : ) said...

Babies are the greatest present. Two of my five arrived in December. Each time, the baby eclipsed any decorations or gifts. Your two are simply precious! : )

Lindsay said...

So sweet - you'll have to get a pic just like that this year!

CC said...

Gorgeous and so true!

imbeingheldhostage said...

What a gorgeous photo! I met someone today whose daughter is turning three on Christmas Day. She said NO present will ever equal that one :-)

Heather of the EO said...

What a lovely picture (with a lovely message) Nice to have stumbled upon you :)

tommie said...

What a gorgeous picture!

Dawn said...

Such a beautiful black and white photo! Perfect.

Cecilia said...

What a cute picture....I love it!

Tabitha Blue said...

SO SO SO precious!!!!!! Love the onesies!


Chris said...

Nice! What a very touching picture. You all look great!

Anonymous said...

Oh I just LOVE this pic

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

What a lovely picture!!

Unknown said...

I love this photo and the fact the Emmy is smiling. :)

latree said...

they surely are...

Steph said...

Oh, that is the most beautiful picture!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's really a great pic!

storyteller said...

Love the photo and the message on the girls' tees
Hugs and blessings,