(Izabel Helps Daddy Dig Out Dirt)
Izabel and Daddy spent the afternoon outside digging and moving dirt. They revamped and cleaned up a very large flower bed out front and repositioned several railroad ties. Daddy did some very hard work today and it looks beautiful. Now all I need is some plants.
(Emily Sits Up Unassisted At 4 Months and 7 Days Old)
Emily and I stayed inside and spent our afternoon working on floor activities. At only 4 months and 7 days, Emily sat up unassisted for the first time. She did so great and loved the "new view". She could do it for about 10-20 seconds at a time before she lost balance and slowly tipped over. We are so very proud of her!
More pictures over in FLICKR!

Both girls did enjoy some outside time today since the weather was very nice. There was a chill in the air, but still in the upper 60's. Izabel couldn't wait to be outside. She was more than willing to help dig in the dirt if she could be outside with Daddy. Emily and I stayed on the deck and she played in her Hop and Pop for awhile. She liked being outside too. Every time a wind came across her face she took it in and acted very surprised.
The neatest thing about taking their pictures outside is their blue eyes light up. Natural sunlight is more than perfect for showing off their beautiful blue eyes.
I uploaded lots more pics of the girls from the last few days.
Click your way to FLICKR to see more. And for those of you having a hard time with my links, the following addy can be copy and pasted.
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