Izabel drew the above face this weekend. I am not so sure it's a "happy face", but it's a face for sure. She's getting so great at it. She drew another one last night that was even better, but if I don't take the doodle away from her and take a picture, she erases it too fast. I didn't get a picture of the one last night. She even drew hair and a beard on this one. Maybe she was drawing Daddy...Hmmm, that does look like his nose.
(Izabel Playing A Game With Our PATS Rep, Rosie)
Friday morning Izabel and Emily had their first official play-date with PATS. The girls did great and even Miss Emmy stayed awake for the first half or so. Izabel went straight for the toys and puzzles that we do not have at home. She found so many neat things to occupy her time. There was only a small group of children this time. Some play groups get as high as 50 children. Most of the children there were around Izzy's age and most did interact with each other. Izabel however, had an agenda f her own. She was not shy around the other children and I am sure she took notice of them at one point or another, but she played on her own quietly and contently. One little girl, approximately 3-4 years old, finally came over to Izzy and asked her to play. Izabel looked over at her and replied, "I'm Busy." It was so so funny but not what we were expecting. The play groups purpose for Izabel is to learn to interact with others and share. Daddy made way to Izzy and told her she should try playing with the little girl. I'm Busy, No." The group meets every Friday and I hope that as time goes by she will let others join her.
Friday afternoon, we had another PATS meeting at the house. Izabel was asleep this time so Emily got a chance to show off her skills. She did great. Our PATS rep played peek-a-boo with Emmy and gave her a Sassy Photo Book to chew on. The book is great and I have included pictures of her and her sister and cousins for her viewing pleasure.
When Izzy did wake up, she played a couple of new games and enjoyed another gift from our PATS rep; an alphabet puzzle. It's a great little puzzle and Izzy has been using it quite a lot. I also made a book for Izabel stemming from a suggestion from our PATS rep. It's a great project but I want to talk more about it in another post.
It was a busy Friday, but it was a lot of fun. We took the girls to Denny's for dinner and Izabel actually ate. That's always a good thing!
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