In other "loot" news, as mentioned in the previous post, the girls made out big on Halloween. They trick-or-treated with us and Gama for about 5 hours, with a few breaks in between. Emmy was so excited about the decorations and the moon. lol! She wanted to go to the houses with lights and lit pumpkins. She did very good and said "trick-o-treat and thank you" at each house. And what's even more exciting is that she walked pretty much the whole evening.
Izzy had a hard time remembering the trick-or-treat part, until the candy was in her bag. lol! Her parting line if you will. She enjoyed it a great deal though and immediately wanted to eat whatever she was given. She was happy to be a princess and ran around the neighborhood excited about all of the other costumes she saw.

And now for another fantastic giveaway! I was recently sent the PC CD-ROM game version of Nancy Drew, Dossier - Resorting to DANGER! I wasn't able to review this PC Adventure Game because I am a iMac owner. However, my fabulous contact from Her Interactive went ahead and sent me FIVE copies of the game to giveaway! And just in time for Christmas shopping. :)

"Fast Fun for Busy Detectives!"
"Nancy Drew Dossier us a good example of a well-designed hidden object casual game. The story is interesting, the puzzles challenging but no too difficult, and the game can be picked up and played easily. Good fun!" -PC GameZone
You can play the entire Nancy Drew Dossier series by ordering online at www.herinteractive.com. This game is also available in stores, retailing for about $19.99. The game is rated E for everyone 10+.
So, let the Christmas shopping begin. Christmas is 7 weeks away! For a chance to win your own copy of Nancy Drew Dossier - Resorting to DANGER, just leave me a comment. Any old comment will do!
Winners will be chosen via random.org on November 20th. Giveaway is limited to residents in the lower 48 states.
here ya go...a random ole' comment :)
love the candy pic {halloween is evil}
Looks like they did make out! Sugar highs for weeks! What fun! lol I remember reading Nancy Drew as a kid. :)
You got great Trick or Treating pics! The girls really do like adorable!!!
Great captures! An,d what a fun giveaway!!
Your girls are adorable! This game looks like so much fun, I'd love to share it with my nieces.
This would be a perfect christmas gift for Alison the Nancy Drew lover. Thank you so much.
Thanks for sharing the pictures of your lovely girls, made me cry, my children are grown now and every year I get all ready for trick-or treat'rs and they never come.
this is my first visit to your blog...your girls are so precious! made me remember when my girls were that age
The girls looked adorable. Sounds like they had a fun time.
Please enter me in your giveaway. That game looks great. Thanks!
Too cute!!!!!!! Love the door step pics especially. I got such a strained back from lugging around the dragon head (that The Flash refused to wear) that I was miserable. Professor X was miserable because he couldn't trick or treat with us thanks to his inability to climb stairs in a wheelchair. Overall, not our best Halloween. Next year, maybe we'll go to someone's church Harvest party.
Seriously, your girls are just too precious! What are you doing with all of your Halloween loot? Mine is driving me crazy! I just can't so NO to those sweet little candy bars. LOL
I have always loved nancy drew
Your daughters are adorable. My older daughter would love this. She loves Nancy Drew and loves games.
Taylee has been on a Nancy Drew kick for the last year. She would truly appreciate this game.
your dughters are so cute! my daughter would love this she likes mysterys
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