Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Thursday Thirteen- Edition "Y"

Here we are again. Letters Y and Z are remaining. I cannot believe I have almost finished.

1. Yogurt - I tend to like yogurt most of the time, but I do go through spurts where I don't care for it. Neither of the girls seem to care for it at all.

2. Youngsters - Love my baby girls so very much!

Izzy 'N Emmy

3. Yiddish - I had to learn Yiddish in high school for a Forensics monologue.

4. Yesterday - I took the girls in to see Gama and Papa.

5. Yolk - The best part of the incredible, edible, egg.

6. Yams - Love them. I did not as a child.

7. Yard - Ours needs to be mowed.

Princess Emily

8. Yawn - What I am doing now. I couldn't fall asleep until almost 4am and then the girls were up about 7am. Ugh.

9. Yellowstone National Park - I've always wanted to visit here. I hope we are able to take the girls in the next few years or so.

10. Yoda - I am sure I've said this somewhere before, but it wasn't until I met my husband that I heard of Star Wars. That was 1997. hee hee!

11. Yeast - The girls and I make a lot of bread in the Winter. I've tried a few recipes, but the basic yeast ones usually turn out the best.

12. Yucca - I think these are unattractive when it blooms. The green is okay but that tall stalk sticking up is kinda out of place.

13. You - Have a look around my blog, leave a comment if you'd like, glance at my photos on Flickr, and come back . I like the company.


{Kimber} said...

So I have recently been {stalking} reading your blog...I really wanna do this Thursday Thirteen thing...I know I'm only what 24 weeks too late!? hehe...would you mind if I started over at A on my blog???
I ♥ your photos...I see we have the same camera/lens so it MUST be your editing {which I totally suck at}

4 Lettre Words said...

We live and breath Star Wars so that really cracks me up!

Love that little pink mower!!

NannyJ said...

Oh those beautiful baby girls! xoxo

Brandie said...

tis up :)

Alicia W. said...

You did awesome with your Y's and I love how you threw in some pictures too! Speaking of, your editing is awesome.. learn anything new? I have got to purchase the book so I can read up on more features that I have no clue how to use, lol.

Have a wonderful 4th of July weekend Alisha. can't wait to see your pictures.

Unknown said...

Little Emmy is growing so much! And she's getting more hair! :)