Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Shock and Awe


Anonymous said...

Hailee says on nos he took my babing suit!

Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

what a gorgeous picture!
he girls ae beautiful but the color of the picture is amazing. love it!

Sara Elizabeth said...

Awww . . . look at the look on her face. So cute. Great photo.

Happy WW from Sara @ the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!

Muthering Heights said...

LOLOLOL, I love the DRAMA of it all!

Corey~living and loving said...

cute shot. love the hand to the mouth. :)
happy WW!

Staci A said...

Absolutely adorable! I love the expressions (and the little hand holding onto a finger). So cute!

tiarastantrums said...

what did she see??

Anonymous said...

that is a great shot! What did she see? They are so cute!

Anonymous said...

oh they are too cute. Great photo :O)

4 Lettre Words said...

Just darling! Happy WW from Florida this week! :o)

Happily Retired Gal said...

Your girls are adorable in color or black and white! Love the title of this one ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Dawn said...

Adorable! Love your header, too.

Alicia W. said...

LOL, I just realized we both used "expressions" as our WW this week. Great minds think alike.

She is so beautiful! Love the colors in this picture.. amazing

Natalie said...

Thanks so much for stopping by :) Your photography skills amaze me! I am definately in need of a new camera (wink). Love your girls names too, they are adorable. Hope you are having a good weeks so far!

Cascia Talbert said...

They are so cute! What were they looking at?

Kris said...

Such a sweet pic!

My niece Emmy has that same Ariel swimsuit!

Unknown said...

They are so cute!!!

Rachel said...

That picture is ADORABLE and BEAUTIFUL!!!! Your girls are too cute.

What camera and editing software do you use?

Rachel said...

NEVERMIND! I just saw the link that answers all of my questions! :)

Anonymous said...

Adorable! I love how open kids are with their expressions.

CC said...

That is so great!!!!! Totally matches the title! :)

Unknown said...

They are so cute. I really can not get enough of them : ). Adorable.

Stacy Uncorked said...

Awww! They are absolutely adorable!

Happy WW a day late! :)

{Kimber} said...

Your photos are beautiful!!!!
the coloring--how do you do that?
post production????

Unknown said...

Makes me wonder what she saw! Great expression!