Thursday, June 18, 2009

PhotoStory Friday - Carnival Classics

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Last weekend we attended a company picnic with a Carnival/Circus theme. The girls had so much fun on the slip n slide and bounce houses, whacking pinatas full of candy, watching a clown, dancing, sipping home made milkshakes, playing The Limbo, munching peanuts and popcorn, exploring their gift boxes full of goodies and being adored my hundreds.

Each year we attend this picnic and it only gets better and better. This year, Emily thought the Cotton Candy was a big hit and Izabel liked her Pinwheel.

Emmy's Tasting Cotton Candy
...So good in fact, Emily savored each bite. lol!

Izzy With A Pinwheel

This weekend will be a whole new adventure. We are taking the girls on their first real camping trip. A lake for swimming, a tent for sleeping and the perfect evening snack; Smore's by the fire.


Cecily R said...

I la-la-LOVE those pictures!! The look on Emily's savoring little face! Priceless!

Chris said...

GREAT shots! Cotton candy is ambrosia!

Camping? Already? You are brave.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like lots of summer fun going on! And great pictures too.

Anonymous said...

they both look like they're enjoying their day! They're cute as can be too!

Maggie May said...

Absolutely LOVE those photos.
We call it candy floss over here!

Pam Emmons said...

THey are so cute! And camping will be so much fun!

Amy Platon said...

Summer rocks! Great pics!

Kris said...

awwwwww. What a great story to go with great pics!

Enjoy the camping trip.

Emily said...

Looks like a great (and yummy!) day. Have a great time are one brave soul! I'm way too scared of bugs to camp! lol

Jenny said...

Cute pics! Have a great camping trip.

Michelle said...

Great shots and enjoy your camping trip! :) Love your new header shot as well.

Natalie said...

So stinkin cute those kids :)

Muthering Heights said...

Wow, have fun on the camping trip! :)

Latree@Dandelion said...

how fun! good luck for the camp!

The Bryant Family said...

Great pictures once again my friend! Enjoy your camping trip and thank you soooo much for everything you have done for us. I cannot say enough what it means and how very much it has relieved so much stress about how we were going to do it. I will call you on Monday..i will try both phones. It will be after appointments and probably during nap time...if TUcker will take one while we are there. Tues we go in and get the heart cath and 3-D echo. I will be in touch about it all.

CC said...

I LOVE what you did with the pinwheel picture!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I love their little shirts! Hope the camping trip went great!!