For many, many things:
Like holding her high off the ground
Where the sunlight sings!
Like being the deep music
That tells her all is right
When she awakens frantic with
The terrors of the night.
Like being the great mountain
That rises in her heart
And shows her how she might get home
When all else falls apart.
Like giving her the love
That is her sea and air,
So diving deep or soaring high
She'll always find him there.
Author Unknown
It is difficult to put into words how wonderful my husband is as a Father. All one needs to do is look at the faces of our Princesses when he walks into a room. The laughing that floods our house when he wrestles with them, plays "haircut" or tickles them.
Greg is a fantastic Father. He changes diapers, gives them baths, reads them books, tucks them in, takes them to the park, chases them around the yard, gets up with them in the wee hours of the night, and cares for them when they are sick. He draws with Izabel and snuggles with Emmy. He sings to them and watches cartoons with them. Daddy goes to their doctors appointments, holds their hand through shots and praises them for being who they are. The list goes on...
Daddy is their Best Friend. Greg is Izabel and Emily's world...and they are his.
Thank you Greg, for being such a wonderful Father to our children. Love you!
And to our own Dad's, Happy Father's Day Papa and Popah. We love you and hope you are having a great day!
Happy fathers day Greg!
Hey alisha, i am not taking the lap top with me today....too much other stuff. so i will more than likely be calling you to update until wednesday when the rest of the family gets there with the computer. is that OK? it shouldnt be too much information....i am hoping i will find a computer there at the hospital somewhere.
Aww . . . it sounds like your children are very lucky to have such an awesome Daddy. It must be so special for you to see the man you love being such a great Dad. :o)
I recently just found your blog and think it is great! I am a follower now.
That is a beautiful post for Greg. He sounds like a fantastic father :D
Hope you all have a beautiful day!
What a great post! I loved it.
So sweet! Love the pictures, always do:)
Great post for your guy Greg! I love the pictures too. Glad you guys had a wonderful fathers day full of love and giggles. :o)
I just love a good Daddy : )
AHHH...such a sweet post!! :)
I love your blog & your photos are beautiful!
So awesome, Alisha! I love it.
Your girlie love love love their daddy! What a great little tribute to your man!
Beautiful post! What a super dad!
I tagged you on my blog :)
Happy belated Father's day to Greg.....
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