1. Quileute - Jacob's Tribe from the Twilight Saga. lol!
2. Questions - Izabel is full of them!
3. Quadrant - Alpha and Gamma, still trying to get through DS9.
4. Qualify - We hope Izabel will qualify for our first choice Pre-School next month.
5. Quarts - We go through about 8 quarts of milk per day. Actually, that is just the girls. Greg and I do not drink milk.
6. Queen - I'm treated like a queen. There's nothing my husband wouldn't do for me or our children. Of course, even before we had children and even before we were married, I was always the center of his world. I'm glad I've held his attention for so long.
7. Quench - Dr. Pepper does the trick!
8. Quiet - The girls are in bed and it's so nice and quiet. Nothing but this can be heard.
9. Quiddage - Make believe or not, this was a fun part of the movies and books.
10. Quintessential - The fifth and highest element in ancient and medieval philosophy that permeates all nature and is the substance composing the celestial bodies. Pretty cool huh?
11. Quark - Another humorous character from DS9. Nothing like a Ferengi to keep the show lively.
12. Quotes - "I am purely full of joy, because I am missing nothing.
No one has more than I do now." -E.C
"Now you know. No one’s ever loved anyone as much as I love you." -B.S
13. Quest - TT is only getting more difficult, but if I can do "Q" surely I can do all the rest.
Bare with me for the next few weeks as I participate in Thursday Thirteen, Alphabetically. I think it's going to be a lot harder than I thought. LOL!
If you are playing along, you may sign Mr. Linky below. Please sign Mr. Linky with your actual TT permalink and not your blog's homepage.
Happy Thursday Thirteen and don't forget to visit a few other participants! Have Fun!
I am impressed you came up with so many q words!
Ugh, Q was super hard but I pulled it off, lol. Your list was great and I love how you through a lil bit of twilight in there! :o)
I don't know how i forgot about quotes being that Ethan is full of them :)
that song was delightful thanks for sharing ;)
Hey ~ you did a great job with Q! Those are some great words!
Have you read the entire Twilight series?
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