I have always been a yogurt fan. There's something about the creamy goodness that fills you up and satisfies that craving you have. It's one of the few dairy products that I enjoy everyday and there are so many things that go great with yogurt. I love to dip graham crackers or chocolate in mine. Yummy!
Yogurt offers all kinds of great things for your body. Yoplait Yo-Plus offers live and active probiotic cultures that help regulate your digestive health year-round. Yo-Plus also is a good source of fiber, calcium and vitamins A & D. While researching some of these things, I also found the following new tidbits about yogurt.
*It improves natural defense, it contains a good amount of phosphorus and 88% water.
*Some people have trouble digesting lactose, a carbohydrate in milk and milk products, because of the deficiency of enzyme lactase in the body. Live yogurt cultures produce lactase and break down the lactose. Yogurt is a healthy way to get the calcium the body needs, for the people who can not tolerate milk products. -www.essortment.com
Recently I was asked to try Yoplait's new Yo-Plus Blueberry Acai. No hesitation here. I found the selection at my local Walmart for $2.34 Yoplait's Yo-Plus line is very smooth and silky. It's very pleasing to a sore throat too! lol!! I loved the little Bluberry's going through it as well. I really enjoyed trying the new flavor and will add it to my shopping list. We already buy Yoplait every week, even the children's flavors, but this is my new favorite flavor.
For more information on Yo-Plus and to receive a dollar off coupon,
visit http://www.yo-plus.com/.
But wait, there's more! I have three Yoplait gift packs to giveaway!! Each Yoplait gift includes a large tote, water bottle, journal and a coupon for a free 4-pack of Yo-Plus!
To enter for your chance to win one of three gift packs, please complete the following.
- Leave a comment sharing your personal tip on how to stay healthy and maintain a nutritional diet this year.
For EXTRA entries you may:
-Follow Me (Over there on the right)
-Place I "Heart" Tucker's Button on your blog!
That's a total of three chances to win. Please leave a separate comment for each entry.
Giveaway starts today and will end Friday, March 6th at Midnight. Winners will be chosen via random.org and announced March 7th.
Good Luck!
I am trying to stay healthy by eating foods I make myself so I know everything I'm eating.
I already cut of soft drinks, don't drink coffee, don't smoke, drink lots of water, etc. I can't give up sugar. I really don't think I can.
So avoiding already prepared foods and using my Wii fit more often are on my list of changes this year.
I am following you as "tammi". Not sure why it didn't use my blogger id?
Ooo it sounds yummy!
Ok, Im trying to stay healthier by eating at least one apple a day, working out three times a week, and cutting out as much junk from my diet.
Oh and I follow you :)
And I added I "Heart" Tucker's button to my button blog exchange.
I try, try, try to walk each week on the indoor track and always drink plenty of water.
What a fun giveaway.
I am a follower :-)
Healthy tip would be exercise... Walking is what I normally do!
I am already a follower! LOL
These look like a great way to stay on track and add some fiber to your diet, something most of use could use!!
Im also a follower!
I love this yogurt! Ok I haven't tried the blueberry acai flavor yet, but I regularly buy Yo Plus! I like the vanilla and the cherry. One of my tips is to eat this yogurt with some granola mixed in - very tasty!
and I'm a follower :)
I always try to drink plenty of water and eat a healthy breakfast of oatmeal or yogurt. I read an article this week that eating 1/2 a cup of yogurt a day keeps colds away!
I have increased my fruits to 5 servings a day. I also love to use yogurt to make a fruit smoothie
I do follow you
And it is on my blog
Cool! I have been eating much more yogurt since dieting. :)
Healthy eating tip? Pay attention to calories and serving sizes. It's too easy to have 3 or 4 servings without realizing it, when eating out most place give you more than 1 serving.
I eat yogurt every day at work. Does that give me bonus points? ;)
I exercise daily (well, okay not today since my daughter is sick) and I've been calorie counting too.
ok i usually try to eat five times a day. and those five times are in moderation.
ie: a yogurt cuz im not very hungry when i first am up for the day. then ill eat half a sandwich. and then i want something junk food ish so ill have 4 cookies and a piece of fruit. then ill have dinner. and then ill have a scoop of ice cream. all of this with 2-4 hours between each munch time and never after 11pm.
i choose 11pm cuz im a night person. im not asleep until at least 3am! lol
I try to exercise regularly and have been trying to eat more fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. I find that by getting more fiber in my diet I feel less hungry.
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