Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thursday Thirteen- Edition "E"

1. Email- I check my email too many times a day.

2. Eesha- A nickname I had when I used to babysit.

3. Enterprise- My favorite Star Trek series.

4. Eggplant- I do not like.

5. Emily- My second born daughter.

6. Espanol- I took 3 years of Spanish in high school and a refresher course years later.

7. Eva- I loved the movie Wall-E.

8. Entertainment- I enjoy a good chick flick, window shopping and a nice dinner.

9. Easter- One of my favorite holidays.

10. Ears- I have pierced ears, two in each.

11. Emeril- I love Emeril and used to be addicted to watching all of his episodes.

12. Economy- Scared to see where we are headed.

13. Education- I graduated high school in 1999.

Bare with me for the next 26 weeks as I participate in Thursday Thirteen, Alphabetically. I think it's going to be a lot harder than I thought. LOL!

If you are joining me this week, leave your link and I'll add you to the list.

Friends Playing Along:
The Downs Gang
Just Me
Live Laugh Love and Bloggings
Come Via Our House
My 3 B's and Me
The Shelley's


Donna. W said...

I'm up!

Anonymous said...

awwwwww EEEVAAAAAAAA WALLLLLLEEE I loved that movie!

E was

Brandie said...

my link is would love to join you :)

Brandie :)

Alicia W. said...

I would love to participate..

LiveLaughLoveCj said...

I'm In!

Alicia W. said...

I'm posting mine right now - Also, I graduated in 99 as well. :o)

LiveLaughLoveCj said...

I love your form of Entertainment!!

Ears, I have 4 holes in left ear, 2 in right ear! Yeah I'm lopsided!! lolol

I LOVE eggplant!!! Yummmy!

Me too on the economy.

I had fun with E - easy for me since it was more of a "theme" for me this go around!!

Love getting to know you! :)

Alicia W. said...

Mines up! :o)

Rachel said...

I'd love to participate.