Tuesday, December 30, 2008

WW-...And They're Off!!

For More Wordless Wednesday, Visit 5Minutes For Mom, WW Headquarters or Momdot


Dawn said...

Adorable picture! Sounds like you all had a wonderful Christmas.

Felicia said...

The are cute as always!


Midlife Mom said...

I can picture these two in riding lessons in a few years! Girls love their ponies so be prepared to go through the horse phase! heehee!

What a wonderful Christmas you had! Your tree was so pretty and so many wonderful gifts! How blessed we all are! xoxox

NannyJ said...

Very cute - who won? xoxo

Anonymous said...

20 bucks on the white one!

how cute!!

Miss Blondie said...

Too Cute!! Looks like a tie!

Happy WW!

Jenny said...

Looks like a close race. How adorable. Happy New Year!

Bridget said...

What cuties!!! This is so cute!
Happy WW!

Unknown said...

What a great picture!! Their expressions are fabulous - you can tell they're getting into it!

Thanks for sharing and thanks also for visiting my blog! Happy New Year!

Lisa said...

LOL who won?

Happy New Year!!

Anonymous said...

How cute are they! Happy New Year :)

Blessings Abound said...

And off to the races they are and so cute while doing so! My own girls do that same exact thing with the new horses they got this Christmas. Happy New Years!

Alvis said...

Beautiful girls! Thanks for coming by!

4 Lettre Words said...

Oh, I love it!! Look at those precious smiles!

tommie said...

They look too cute!

Momstart said...

That's adorable

mommy to Kaden, Brody and angel Ava said...

So cute!!! I hope you guys have a wonderful and safe New Year.

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

awwww! is all I can say!

Anonymous said...

Yee haw!

Staci A said...

What cute little cowgirls! Looks like they were having a blast!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Too cute..a day at the races...who won?

Unknown said...

Aren't they cutest!