We had a great time at the pumpkin patch this year! There is always so much to do and see. The weather was fantastic although slightly windy. The girls were very excited once we got out of the car and they saw all the wonders a pumpkin patch can hold.

There was a petting zoo with goats and bunnies, pigs and chickens, ducks and turkeys, and even baby kittens. We bought Izabel some feed before we went in so that she could feed them. She really got a kick out of the goats licking her hand.

The patch also had a huge area devoted to children for playing. Huge tunnel slides, cars, trains, tire swings, a pirate ship and a corn and hay bale maze. The girls played for a little while and watched the real choo choo go around the farm. We didn't ride the train this year but it's always a nice treat. Soon we headed for the tractor so we could make our way to the patch.

The tractor ride is always pretty neat. It takes about 15 minutes to get back in and around to the patch. The fields are so pretty this time of year. Both Izabel and Emily loved riding the tractor. Emily was even brave enough to walk around the hay bales while it was moving. We made it to the patch where Emily was in awe of the pumpkins and Izabel attended to the weeds and flowers. Go figure!

It was just as fun and exciting as it has been for the last few years. Even before Daddy and I were married we went every year, with and without children. It's a great tradition and we wouldn't miss it for the world.

So, I know this post is long, but take a minute to hop on over to our FLICKR page and see more than 60 photos I have uploaded. I took about 200, but I really tried to narrow it down. There were so many great photo opps. You won't be disappointed as there are some really darling smiles!

Oh, and P.S! Here are two comparison photos from our records! I love doing these!

Oh, those are all so adorable! I can't pick a favorite.
I know exactly what you mean. I think I took 144 pictures and I could only pic a few for my blog. And to pick less for Carson's scrapbook?
Anyways, I love those pictures. Your girls look like they were having a ball the whole time. This week has been wonderful on the weather so we both lucked out.
Take care.
Looks like they had a great time! I kwym about trying to narrow down pictures :). I am hoping to take the boys to a pumpkin patch next weekend, I'm sure I'll be taking tons of pictures as it will be our first trip to one.
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Great photos! I think we are going to try and make it to our local pumpkin patch this weekend - it is always so fun, especially now with the kids!
What fun! I look forward to taking two to the patch. :) Orange and kids just seem to go together!
Love the ones that you color just one pumpkin in. Do you do that on your camera or with your mac tools? Emily looks so big standing up.
We have never gone out to the patch to pick...we will have to do that next time.
Super fun! We tried to go to a pumpkin patch last week, but no luck :(
I love your photos. I'm so excited. We're going to the pumpkin patch tomorrow and I'm charging up my camera. I can't believe how much alike my youngest daughter looks like her older sister at the same age....I 'm going to have to steal your comparison photos layout for my scrapbook with photos of my own girls. Great blog!!
what beautiful photos! Looks like a fun time at the pumpkin patch!
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