Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Emily's Walking- 10 Months 3 Weeks

It's been 2 weeks since Emily took her first unassisted steps. Now Emmy has finally reached the upright stage and walking around more than she is crawling. I tried to get a few videos last night, but she was tired. LOL! She's doing great and can walk the length of the house without falling, she can turn around standing up, bend down and stand up without falling and go up a few small steps. We are so proud of her! It looks like she will be walking her first Halloween as well! Enjoy the crazy video below. I had to steal the song idea from a fellow blogger (thanks Lonestar!), but it's so appropriate, I couldn't resist!


jenn said...

Aww. This is so cute. I love it. Great memories.

Anonymous said...

WhooHoo, go Emmy!

Felicia said...

What an adoreable family! Yeah for Emmy!

Unknown said...

Adorable! She looks very pleased with herself, as she should. :) And I love how dad was luring her with soda. . . I've never done hat, nuh-uh. ;)

danette said...

Wow, way to go Emmy!! I'm glad you liked the song idea :-)

Cascia Talbert said...

That's great! My kids were all late walkers. My oldest at 13 mos, middle child at 14 mos and youngest not until he was 14 1/2 mos. Your video is great. I wish I had my kids on video when they first started walking. You have a great blog!

mommy to Kaden, Brody and angel Ava said...

WAY TO GO BIG GIRL!!! What a cute video...she looks so proud of herself.

♥ Becky ♥ said...

I love the music!!!! How adorable. It's so awesome that we can capture these precious moments!!

Rachel Dominguez said...

That has to be one of the sweetest videos ever. I just love this age. Melana started walking around 10 months also and it just looks so wrong when they are so little.

How Awesome! She simply priceless!


Anonymous said...

How cute!

Great song to put it to!

Tammy and Parker said...

I love it! What a great milestone!

Gina lee said...

Wow it's really perfect for haloween , ready for the trick or treat. It's such a wonderful feeling watching them with their first steps.

Missy said...

That is great! I love those first wobbly steps - so sweet! Great song too!

Michelle said...

Look at her go! Totally adorable video - and the music was perfect! Yay Emmy! Lucas does that same bouncing thing when he's standing...over and over and over LOL

Karen Coutu said...

Look at her go!! I love how it ended with her coming at the camera. Love the music too!!

Karen of the MomDot Street Team

Bren said...

Oh my gosh, she is cute! I love those awkward first steps!

storyteller said...

Ah … how sweet … and how fun to be able to capture and share these precious moments with the rest of us.
Hugs and blessings,