My lovely friend Karen over at 3 Garnets and 2 Sapphires has given me the BrainyBlog Award. Now if that isn't cool, I don't know what is! Thanks so much Karen for thinking of us over here at Izzy 'N Emmy!
I proudly accept this award, so I must . . .
1) Think of at least 5 bloggers that you believe to be “Brainy Bloggers”
2) Post it on your blog for all to see! Let them know you’ve awarded them by email, twitter, etc or via a comment on their blog!
3) Share some linky love and link back to both the person who awarded you. http://3garnetsn2sapphires.blogspot.com/
4) Come back to the Brainy Blog Headquarters to sign our Mr. Linky and then pass it on!
I would like to pass this award onto the following brainy blogs:
Micha at Gift of Gabi's Grace
Michelle at Big Blueberry Eyes
Lisa at Lisa's Chaos
Karen at The Bryant Family News
Tommie at Tuesday Update
I hope these five bloggers will accept this award. They can find the full description of this award and the html for the blog award in two sizes at the Brainy Blog Award Headquarters.
Congrats on the bloggy bling. You do so deserve it.
I would be honored to accept this...thank you so much!
You're welcome! Your blog is inspiring . . . both the content and the design.
Karen of the MomDot Street Team
Congrats on your brainy blog award:)
Me, brainy? Funny. :) Thanx for passing it on to me! Congrats! Now you are brainy. :)
Coolio! Congrats on the award!! :)
congrats to you! and how sweet that you passed this one on to me! I'm going to have to think about who to pass this one on to!
I keep forgetting to accept...THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!
I am honored you think I am a brainy blogger...hahaha!
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