Monday, June 16, 2008

Vacation (Part 3)- Memorial Day and Railroad Park

We were fortunate enough to be able to spend the Memorial Day holiday with our family. It was a very nice, warm day to play outside and enjoy some excellent BBQ.

I had the girls dressed to the "T" and matching of course. Izabel refused to cooperate for a picture so the only one I got was this one of Emily. This was Emily's first Memorial Day celebration and I don't think she could have looked any more adorable!

(Emily's First Memorial Day)

Both of the girls had on the same dress and accessories. It was so cool! Because I didn't get a whole lot of pictures of them in these outfits, I think we will wear them again for the Fourth of July celebrations. Unless I find something better!

On The first Tuesday we were in Arizona, we made a special trip to the McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park. It is one of my favorite spots to take the kids. Before Greg and I were married and had children, we used to visit this park. It's such a beautiful place and now there are so many things for the kids to do.

With Izabel's love for trains lately, I thought she would really enjoy the park this time around. It was a busy morning and I just don't think she got the full view of it all. (Excitement Overload) However, the girls rode the Carousel twice and then we rode the train. The train makes a trip around the entire park, over hills, past the "jail" and through a tunnel.

(Emily Enjoying Railroad Park)

(Izabel Swinging On The Playground)

The McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park has an amazing little playground with equipment for each age group. It's very HOT (Duh!) in Arizona so many of the parks have large canopy's over the play equipment. It helps keep direct sun off of the kids, but the equipment is still very hot. In most cases too hot to play on. Izabel didn't seem to mind and touched every piece she could. She looked so cute in her sunglasses and loved he swings!

(Emmy's First Carousel Ride)

(Izabel Riding Her Horse On The Carousel)

(Izzy N' Emmy Riding The Carousel)

This entry will conclude my vacation stories. As many activities as we did, I think you all get the idea as to how much fun we had on our First Vacation As A Family Of Four! I took as many pictures as I could and posted many of them to FLICKR. You can wonder on over if you'd like for more great photos.

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