Sunday, January 6, 2008

Happy 23 Month Birthday Izabel Grace

Dearest Miss Izzy, you are 23 months old! We have had so much fun in the last month as you have really opened up to talking and vocalizing how you feel and what you want. These days it's not a matter of what you will say, you repeat everything. There are those conversations you have with yourself too that really blow your Daddy
and I out of the water. You play and talk to your babies in complete sentences and we are just amazed. The other day you were playing with your train and all of a sudden you had little people piled up on it all the while you were saying, "all aboard"! It's wonderful to hear you talk and know what's on your mind!

[Above: Izabel Counting and Talking]

Along with talking you have also learned how to throw a really cute tantrum and get what you want. You haven't yet told us "NO" or really back talked to us yet, but it cannot be far behind. You don't throw too many tantrums, but when you do Daddy and I cannot help but laugh in hiding. You are easily frustrated as well. The simplest tasks that take you a little bit to complete cause you to whine and ask for "help". Asking for help is such a great thing, but if you would just slow down and think about what you are doing, you can do anything. Teaching you to say "help" has benefited us in a number of ways. Anytime you are stuck or in a place you shouldn't be or even on a chair you cannot get down from, you say "help". It's come in handy.

Izabel, you really like to color and draw and play with stickers. For Christmas you received a new Magna Doodle which is your most favorite toy. You doodle on it all day. Your circles are magnificent and you can almost draw a square. You can recognize circles, squares, hearts, and triangles. You have been doing awesome at counting and can usually count to 6 without problems. You are such a smart little princess!!

You are really blossoming into such a girly girl. You love to dress up, have your hair done and your toenails painted. You love to prance around in tutu's and most of all cook. While I or Daddy are cooking in the kitchen, you request to "help cook" as well. You also love to play with your babies and play kitchen, cooking for them and feeding them. It brings me so much pleasure to have such a little princess who likes to look pretty.

Izabel, you have come so far the last 23 months. Everyday you surprise me with something new and it just melts my heart. You are growing up. The last month has been a whirlwind of change for you with Emily Rose joining the circle. You have been fantastic and such a super big sister. We are so glad the transition went well! It's only a matter of time and the two of you will be best friends...

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