Monday, May 21, 2012

Kindergarten Comes To A Close

A full year of Kindergarten has come and gone.

My first child has completed her first year of school, and there's no going back.

Kindergarten | 08/18/2011
Izabel, on her very first day of school! 08/2011

Izzy, Student of the Month | November 2011
Izabel, Student of the Month! 11/2011

Kindergarten Graduation 05/17/2012
Izabel's Kindergarten Graduation! 05/17/2012

Izzy, on her last day of school. 2012
Izabel, On her very last day of Kindergarten! 05/21/2012


Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Awww, she's grown so much!

Anonymous said...

Aww look how much she's grown. It makes me sad. Zoe has preschool graduation soon and Gavyn heads to middle school in the fall:(