Today we had another doctors appointment for baby #3. We were able to get an up close look at out little bean, who quite frankly looks just like a Gummy Bear. haha!
Everything looks good with both myself and the baby. I'm already down 6.5 pounds and my blood pressure remains wonderful. The little Gummy Bear is measuring about 2.11cm with a heartbeat of 179bpm. Gestation is right on track as well and we are looking to book an August 9th delivery. Yay!!
It was really great to have a chance to see the baby and watch it's little heart flutter. Not having been sick (yet), I needed some reassurance that there really was a little baby in there. lol!
Sequential Screening will be at the end of January. They will also conduct a physical profile of the baby to ensure everything is on track as well. Then our next routine appointment will be in February.
GB looks precious already!
So exciting!
I had NO IDEA you were expecting again!!!
Congratulations :)
Congrats on the new edition!
awww really does look like a gummy bear!!
girl, i have missed your blog so much! gummi bear-perfect!! so much *love* sent your way:)
(oh and you are still the most AMAZING photographer *sigh*)
awe! I'm so happy for you!
(your bday is exactly one month before mine) 3.8.81 :)
Yay! Congrats!!!! We just welcomed #3 and I couldn't be happier!! <3!!
Awww congrats I didn't know! Can't wait to watch for updates :)
i have an award for you at my blog!
I missed your announcement! Congratulations!!!
Our early ultrasound pictures are the exact reason I have nicknamed our new addition "Gummy Bear" or "GB" on my blog - how funny! :)
3 has been a bit crazy so far, but well worth it! Congrats again!
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