On November 29th, Daddy and I welcomed you into this world with open hearts and open arms. Another little princess to add to our family. You were born at 7:57am on a Thursday morning and both sets of your grandparents were able to be here. About an hour after you were born, you met them all for the first time.
I thought your first year went by fast. You were the easiest baby to take care of and you followed most every schedule you could get your hands on. You were also a very happy and content little baby princess.

My little Emmy, this second year has gone much faster than the first. You are a fabulous little girl! You are Mommy's girl and want me near you all the time. If you are hurt or upset, I am the one you look for first.
You love to play and do so well independently. Playing Barbies and taking care of your babies is your favorite. You burp them and feed them and change their diapers. As girlie as you are, you also love cars. You push around a little blue VW Bug and that seems to be your favorite.
Emily, you sleep like an angel! 12-13 hours every night and then a 2-3 hour nap each day. You rarely fight at bedtime and regularly request nap time. Daddy and I put you in your bed, tuck you in and say goodnight. We leave the room and never hear a peep from you.
You eat as well as you sleep. You love meat and noodles and cheese and bologna. Each meal you sit at the table and eat whatever I give you. Even veggies! You eat a very balanced variety of foods and I am so thankful for that.
I often refer to you as my "little peanut." You love to hug and kiss and snuggle. Dancing and singing are an everyday part of you as is Yo Gabba Gabba and Sesame Street.
The smallest things excite you and then you spill out a ton of words to express yourself. You my dear, are one cute kiddo. I love you.
We had your 2 year check up on Monday the 30th. The pedi was quite impressed with you, as she should be. You have well over a 200 word vocabulary, sing your ABC's as well as many other songs, you can count to 13 without prompting, keep a beat, jump, do summersaults, walk up and down stairs, stack blocks, use your imagination, and express yourself very well. You love to dress and undress yourself and put your shoes on too.
And let's not forget, you've been potty trained and in big girl panties for 3 months! I am so thankful you took to it so early and so well.
We are amazed each and every day with you and know that you are something so-very special. We love you very much Princess Emmy and we look forward to your achievements in the coming year.
As of November 30th, 2009
Weight: 30 Pounds, 4 Ounces (90th Percentile)
Height: 33.75 Inches (50th Percentile)
Head Circumference: 19.25 Inches (85th Percentile)
Cuteness: Off the charts! :)
Weight: 30 Pounds, 4 Ounces (90th Percentile)
Height: 33.75 Inches (50th Percentile)
Head Circumference: 19.25 Inches (85th Percentile)
Cuteness: Off the charts! :)
Happy Birthday Emmy!
Awwwwwwww - what a brilliant little princess you have on your hands! I'd say I can't wait for the words to come, but I CAN wait - it all goes just a little too fast as you know. So precious.
So sweet, truly a little princess! Melody is a sleeper like that...one of the many qualities I love!
So beautiful.....
My daughter is turning two this month too! I just lover her little curls! I wish my daughter had more of those..
She is quite a little lady! Beautiful, precious Emmy! Hope she had a wonderful birthday!
awe Happy Birthday to her! ...such great photos
Happy birthday Emily!! You are such a pretty girl.
And seriously, I don't know if I've ever seen a birth picture so amazing. The lights. The look. Everything. Wow.
So sweet. Happy Birthday to her!
Happy Birthday, Emily!
What a beautiful post for a beautiful girl!
Happy Birthday sweet little girl. She is getting so big.
A happy, very belated!, 2nd birthday to your beautiful girl!
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