Photo Sessions are going pretty well with over a dozen scheduled for the next few weeks. Not to mention a big opportunity came my way. I hope it all works out too so that I can share it.
We are going to be traveling soon to catch up with family and do some out of state photo sessions as well. I hope we can all be healthy and snot free by then. :)

The good thing about the girls being slightly sick; I had a chance to get their weights checked. Izabel came in at 36 pounds. Finally up 4 pounds from the Spring. Emily is catching up, weighing in at 32 pounds. It's hard to believe that. Not to mention, 4 more pounds and Izzy can step up to a booster instead of the full blown car seat. Such milestones to look forward to.
We've been playing at the park, even with our colds. The fresh air does them good. It's been very nice here in the Midwest, so we are taking advantage. Soon enough snow will cover everything.
Emmy is still rocking on with the potty training. Her Pedi was so impressed and couldn't get enough of Emily. Complimenting how well spoken she is and what she knows and how great to be in panties. Emmy speaks in full sentences most of the time and uses contractions and the correct tense in most cases. We are so proud of Emily and also proud of Izabel for being such a great influence.
Izabel is busy with her art most days. Coloring and drawing, sketching and painting. Did I mention she really hates to use crayons? I just recently started noticing that she prefers anything over a crayon. I've been meaning to post some of her work.
Izzy is also a commercial fanatic. Seriously, this girl wants everything. I told her to keep writing things down on her Christmas list because she would have to ask Santa. Bendaroos seem to make the top of the list everyday. Crazy stuff I tell you!
We hope everyone is enjoying the Summer's end as well. I have a few giveaway's to get up soon, so be on the look out for those. :)
traveling out of state to Australia??? No??? Bugger!! LOVE LOVE LOVE your pictures! and the curls are adorable as ever:)
YES! Glad someone else thinks the same about playing outside for fresh air is actually good for the common cold. Some Moms look at me like I have two heads when I say that. Whatev!
Way to go Em on the potty! She is such a big girl and wanting to be so much like her big sister. No diapers for her.. no mam! :)
Iz sounds so much like Brea it's crazy. They would be the bestest of friends I just know it. :)
So cute! I love their jerseys. And I think fresh air is one of natures' best remedies too! Who wants to stay inside in a germ filled room!? ;) And WTG w/ the potty training! Jealous over here!
I hope everybody feels better! We've all been hit with viruses the past few weeks! Despite being sick, it sounds like both girls are doing great!
Sounds like in addition to being sick you're one busy lady! :) Bravo!
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