“Love is like wildflowers; it's often found in the most unlikely places." -Unknown
You know your mother is insane when she pulls over on the side of a highway, takes you out of your car seats and throws you in a field of flowers that tower over your head, JUST so she can get a few photos.
Little did she know the field was actually flooded with water beneath those pretty yellow bursts of color.
Mommy fell. We left.
She was still able to capture a few, making her fall worth it. :)
very pretty!
I also love the picture in your header!
I've always wanted to take pictures in the beautiful fields of wildflowers on the side of the road...they're beautiful!
Heck no you're not insane!! Such beautiful shots!! Hope you didn't twist a ankle though! LOL! =)
Those are beautiful!
I'm so afraid of going into fields...in case of snakes and such...but it would probably be worth it for a photograph :)
Haha! That totally sounds like something I would do! Especially now that I have my SLR and am crazy about pictures!
Oops! Totally worth it though!
Those turned out great, well worth the stop!
I can't tell you how many times I am driving and see something that I'd love to pull over and take a picture of... but I don't always have my camera with me. Maybe I need a smaller bag to carry it in so I can keep it with me more often :).
THIS...this is why you and I are just DESTINED to be friends.
Our freeways are lined with sunflowers and just today I was thinking as I drove by a bunch that I needed to take the girls and the camera to get some shots before the winter comes.
LOVE your pictures. LOVE that you took them on the side of the freeway.
I mean honestly....who could resist those flowers? who could?
great shots. so happy !
Wonderful photos of the girls!
The sacrifices you make to give us a beautiful Sunday Citar! ♥
Love the quote!
You still got some great shots...you would never know that you had nearly been swallowed by the quagmire, LOL!
What a great Mommy!! That is great that you are taking the time for momments like that!
You did absolutely wonderful!
This makes me want to go on the hunt for a field of flowers!
So gorgeous!!!
Beautiful quote and pictures to go with it.
I love your pictures! It's kinda funny, but I saw a guy pulled over taking pictures in the field just before you get to Mosby. Apparently, you both had the same idea!
HAHAHAHA ... thanks for a good chuckle - what beautiful subjects (the girls and the flowers) ... looks like they were happy to get out!
Wow that was BEAUTIFUL!!!!
I swear... next time I'm in the car and I see a field like this I'm going to stop and let the kids just rip and run right through them.. They are beautiful and I love how your pictures turned out.
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