Visit Wordless Wednesday, 5MFM and Ordinary and Awesome
Making it Wordful this week.
Emmy's feeling a little better this evening. I think the meds she received are doing her some good. All of the signs of Scarlet Fever are still present with the exception of the fever. Her throat (Strep A) is still very sore and red but she did eat some soup tonight and a cookie after dinner. The Scarlatina is still very prominent over most of her upper body. The anti-itch meds seemed to help for the first four (of six) hours. The two hours prior to her next dose were just as hard as it was before though.
It appears the rash usually only lasts 3-5 days. Once that is cleared up I think she will be a lot happier and more comfortable.
Kisses, Hugs and Love to my baby girl...just not in the phycial form. At least until she's not contagious any longer. :0)
Sorry to hear that Emily is sick with Scarlet Fever. I hope the rest of you don't get it too. Best wishes. :-)
Oh that's got to be hard. Hope she starts getting better real fast!
Awww I hope she is feeling better soon. I love those pictures of children looking up into the sky. I just took one the other day. Happy WW!:O)
Such beautiful, sweet photos of your little one! I'm very glad to hear is gaining ground rapidly over her fever. :-( We had a suspected, almost Strep throat a while back and it was nerve wracking. I'm sure Mommy will be ready for a break from this round of illness!
OH MY!! The poor little dear! SO happy to hear she is on the mend!
very darling shots. melted my heart. I'm so sorry she is sick. I do hope she is feeling MUCH better soon.
That's so awesome of the reflection! What a precious sweetie.
Those are just beautiful, and really do speak volumes!
Happy WW!!
Scarlet Fever!? Oh no! I hope she gets well soon. Beautiful photos. Happy WW!
Sweet beautiful girl! I hope she feels better soon. LOVE these photo's! Can't wait to see your tweets from the upcoming wedding shoot! Your going to do amazing and YES it's a fantastic opportunity!!!! SOOO excited for you!
Oh the curls just scream out "touch me!"
Bless her little heart...I hope she's better soon.
wow! Thanks for letting me know. After researching lenses I made the switch to a Nikon D80 (Couldn't quite afford theD90) I realized that the D60 lenses would cost me mor in the long wrong.
I ordered a Nikkor 200mm lens and will let you know what I think of it. It is a starter lens but with the camera upgrade and a 50mm portrait lens I had to settle with a cheaper telephoto for now. I am going to add you to my blog list if thats okay. CAn't wait to see pics from your new lens that you are trying out.
These are beautiful shots!
Precious captures. I hope your little sweetie is feeling better soon.
She has such pretty curls! Hope she feels better soon!
hugs to your emmy!
what cute little princesses!
Thanks for being a follower of mine, I didn't even know I had any ;)
Glad to hear you guys are recovering - what a scary thing to hear your baby has....especially probably only after READING about scarlet fever!! Yikes.
Poor little thing - glad she's feeling better!
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