I have decided to join in on the 365 Project. One photo taken each day for a year. I quickly put together a new blog to showcase only those photos. Please fell free to hop over and take a peek. Some of the photos I use here will end up over there, but I hope to showcase a different selection most of the time. Clicking on the below image will take you right over.
As for other hot news, Saturday is my first day on the job as a videographer/photographer. I am nervous and excited all at the same time, but I think the nerves are out weighing the excitement. It will be a long day, 15 hours give or take. I hope to improve my photog skills through these experiences and build my portfolio. Cross your fingers. :)
Daddy will have the girls, All.To.Himself. Again, cross your fingers. lol, Just kidding honey.
I'll be thinking of you while we're shooting our 15-16 hour wedding. :) lol Hope it all goes magically!
Am excited about your new blog!
U will do awesome!!!! Do not worry---whoever is getting u as their photog should b counting their blessings!! :)
I am looking forward to more shots on your new blog! this sounds fun and exciting!
Good luck on Saturday! I am sure you'll do great!
I stumbled on your blog while I was looking at the Levatation Station blog. I had to come and visit, I have an Izzy and an Emma (but we call her Emmy)too. I though the coincidence rather fun. Then I saw your pictures. You are very talented! They are so beautiful! Good luck on your new job. If you'd like to stop by my blog I'm at http://cakecrumbs-heidi.blogspot.com/
Congrats and good luck w/ the new job! You'll do great, you're a very talented photographer!
The new blog looks great too :).
How exciting! Were you covering a wedding?
good luck tomorrow.....you will do great!!!
Congrats on the new job! Love the new site!
That is sooooo exciting!! I sure hope everything went smoothly!
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