Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Thursday Thirteen- Edition "S"

1. Sisters - I am glad my girls have each other.

2. Spongebob - There's just something about him that my girls like. It's rarely on here, but when it's on, the girls are so quiet.

3. Shoes - I used to have quite a few, now not so much. I live in flip flops.

4. Sacker - My first job was a sacker at a grocery store. I loved it and loved getting to know the same people who came in time and time again.

5. Star Trek - Greg and I went to see the new Star Trek movie last weekend. It was very good and we hope to see it again while it's theaters.

6. Sale - Some I cannot pass up, others are not as good as they appear.

7. Snowmen - Our Christmas and Winter seasons are filled with everything snowmen. Our Christmas tree is covered in tons.

8. Saltwater - Oh how I miss the ocean and the beach.

9. Sandbox - We have a turtle sandbox for the girls. They enjoy digging very much but it's almost too small for the both of them.

10. Storm Systems - I love the rain and all the magnificent clouds it brings with it.

11. Stars - Living slightly out of the way from the city lights, we can see so many stars in the sky. It's amazing to see all those tiny lits points of energy.

12. Sarcastic - My beloved has more than enough comments stored away for any occasion.

13. Strip - Both of my girls would rather run around in panties/diaper than clothes.

Bare with me for the next few weeks as I participate in Thursday Thirteen, Alphabetically. I think it's going to be a lot harder than I thought. LOL!

If you are playing along, you may sign Mr. Linky below. Please sign Mr. Linky with your actual TT permalink and not your blog's homepage.

Happy Thursday Thirteen and don't forget to visit a few other participants! Have Fun!


Laura Marchant said...

Oh I can relate to the sarcastic one, lol!

Alicia W. said...

Loving your S's! I'm with you on the shoes.. I love my flipflops and it's rare you catch me in anything else unless I'm in my work attire. Have a great weekend with your sweet girls.

Unknown said...

You make this look like a breeze! I'm sure it's fairly hard to come up with these! Star Trek was much better than I hoped. I so wish I had a sister!

Rachelle said...

Great list of S words! Our girls prefer to run around in the buff too!

Rachel said...

Great list of S's! I really can't believe I didn't think of most of these!