1. Potatoes - My most favorite food in the whole.wide.world! Cooked anyway you can imagine.
2. Parent - I love being a parent, even on the not so good days.
3. Proud - I am proud of my husband for all of the things he does for our family.
4. Pipes - As in a broken main sewer pipe. *ugh* That explains my week.
5. Posture - I'm usually aware of my posture, even when walking. I like to sit up straight.
6. Pills - The older I get the harder it is to swallow them without gagging.
7. Pumpkin Patch - My favorite Fall activity with my husband and children.
8. Pacifier - Neither of our children wanted anything to do with a binky.
9. Pain - I have very minimal tolerance for any kind, physical or emotional.
10. Popah and Papa - Two of the very best grandfathers.
11. Parades - We love attending the Snake Saturday Parade for St. Patricks Day.
12. Peddle - Izabel is still trying very hard to ride her tricycle.
13. Pounds - Wishing they would just melt away. lol!
Bare with me for the next few weeks as I participate in Thursday Thirteen, Alphabetically. I think it's going to be a lot harder than I thought. LOL!
If you are playing along, you may sign Mr. Linky below. Please sign Mr. Linky with your actual TT permalink and not your blog's homepage.
Happy Thursday Thirteen and don't forget to visit a few other participants! Have Fun!
Congratulations on your posture -- apparently mine is bad (so says the Wii Fit).
Pandias: A rare south American cousin of the Panda Bear.
It's polka dotted.
My son didn't take a pacifier either...we're lucky! :o)
My entry is up. I'm still dreading the letter "X".
Great list Alisha! I feel ya on the pounds. :)
we have some of the same words..I found out how to do the grab button but not sure what is "all about us" ya know ...
I made me a grab button for my blog come ck it out :) I am so proud of my self :)
You won one of the coupons for a free Haagen-Daazs! Just send me your address when you get the chance!
I love potatoes too. And none of our kids were binky babies either. Great list! I just got my F list posted ~ check it out if you get a chance!
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