Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I'm here, kind of. I hope to be around again sooner than later, at which point I'll update on all the exciting (insert heavy sarcasm) things that have come our way.

Oh, and don't mind the blog. It's under construction again. It's going to look plain for awhile longer.


The Bryant Family said...

COME on....lets put down the books and get back to blogging now girly. Did you get the 3rd and 4th read already????? How are the pipes coming....I am sure, if Greg is doing it mostly, he is plum tired. Tried to call you today. Have the camera lens at work with me...give me a holla.... :) Check out tuckers tooshie over at our house.

The Bryant Family said...

OH and by the way, lets not wait so long to get together to catch up. I could have sat there all day, had breakfast lunch and dinner talking. I had a nice time and we definately need to do it more often. the bagel was wonderful@!!!!

scrappysue said...

plain is good! have fun with it