Izabel had her three year check up today. She did fabulous for the visit and did her best to show off her skills. Developmentally she is right where she should be and advanced in many areas. Physically she is a little on the small side but she is still healthy. Yay for good news!
More to come about Izabel's check up later!

Height: 37 Inches Tall
Weight: 32 Pounds
(50th Percentile Overall)
Blood Pressure: 107/73
Hemoglobin Level: 14.6
Lead Levels: Perfect
Weight: 32 Pounds
(50th Percentile Overall)
Blood Pressure: 107/73
Hemoglobin Level: 14.6
Lead Levels: Perfect
For More Wordless Wednesday, Visit 5 Minutes For Mom, MomDot and the Wordless Wednesday.
What a beautiful photo!
Happy WW to you!!
that is awesome !!
YAY for a great check up!! She is beautiful!
She's beautiful! Lovely pic also!
I am sooo glad that the check-up went well. The picture you took lots great (very artsy).
Perfection is great, isn't it!? What a blessing to have a healthy child.
I love the photo! Glad her check up went well I always wait for the doc to tell me something is wrong!
That's a cool photo! Love the effect the blown out areas give it.
what a beautiful picture!! and it looks like her checkup went well!
Gotta love great checkups! :)
Beautiful photo and yeah for a great checkup!
That is an amazing photo.
So pretty!
My daughter is going to be 3 April 11
She weighs 27lb and is 37 in.
She is sooooooo cute!! Great picture:-)
That is an awesome photo, and she is so cute.
love the colors in the photo! Great WW post.
Great Photo! Congrats on the check-up. We just had our 6 month check-up. 15.2 lbs and 26.25 inches!
Gotta love awesome check ups!! And yay - a three year old...they are awesome :-) Such great little personalities REALLY starting to show this year.
Awesome photo!!
Gorgeous photo! And what a great checkup :)
she is beautiful, congrats on the great checkup
beautiful picture, sounds like she's doing awesome!
Hooray for good check-ups
You take the most beautiful pictures. She is adorable.
Tristan is huge for his age, almost the same size and Ms Izzy. :)
I had no idea she was an elf!
Vanesoic: The act of placing plastic, magnetic letters on the refrigerator door.
YAY for a good appointment! She is adorable!
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