Monday, February 16, 2009

Walking Through The Zoo

Last week we had a chance of warm weather. 72 degrees in the middle of February calls for a special outing. My brother and I decided to take the girls to the Kansas City Zoo.

The girls had a blast, especially with Uncle Doc tagging along. Emily loved the birds the most. She would chase the geese and gaze at all the beauty of Australia. Izabel seemed to like the Sea Lions the best. She loved the barking noises they would make. I think she just enjoyed being out of the house more than anything. She ran the park non-stop.

Emily Riding A Leopard On The Carousel, KC Zoo, Feb 10th, 2009

Izabel Riding A Zebra On The Carousel, KC Zoo, Feb 10th, 2009

Some of the zoo had been closed for construction, but there was enough to see. I was able to capture some beautiful animal shots while visiting and hope to have them up soon. We love going to Zoo's all over the place. The girls have been to a couple and it's always a pleasant experience.

Emily Feeding The Sheep, KC Zoo, Feb 10, 2009

Izabel Watching The Meerkats, KC Zoo, Feb 10, 2009

There are several more photos of the Zoo visit over at Flickr! Enjoy!


Honey Mommy said...

Our Zoo has a carousel too, and the kids love it! It will be a while before we make it to the zoo though!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the kiddos had fun. I wish it was that warm to do that stuff around here :)

Anonymous said...

aww They had so much fun!!

Kati said...

Yea! She is too cute!! I am glad you had a fun outing. I can't wait until summer!

The Bryant Family said...

IT was a good day for it. Izabels hair is getting so long. :)

Unknown said...

Look at you! Such a fun trip! :)

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

Oh how fun! Looks like a blast!