Monday, February 23, 2009

I ♥ Faces- B/W

Emily Rose, Jan 2008

I Faces is really something special! I am having a lot of fun. Each week I canvas my photos and love trying to find the perfect photo for the theme. This week was really fun. I LOVE black and white photos! The simplicity of the colors makes for such a beautiful photo. The photo I chose is of Emily while we were playing at Kaleidoscope. She was snuggled close to my heart in the sling, sleeping away like an angel. She was so little!!


Alicia W. said...

Oh that is so beautiful. Her face is like a little porcelin doll.

Laura Marchant said...

Beautiful picture!
I like this idea.

The Bryant Family said...

great picture....I think you have definately found what you EXCEL at....your pictures are great Alisha, really. Cant wait to see what you capture of Tucker.

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Soooo cute! I just love tiny cuddly babies!

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

Those babies in a sling are always so cuddly and happy, aren't they? Great shot of a sweet precious one.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! You just want to snuggle her right up! :)

Dawn said...

I love black and white photos, too. And there is NOTHING like a sleeping baby!

Anonymous said...

Great photo and sweet baby

Kelly said...

AHHHHH, so sweet!!

Melinda said...

Beautiful photo...makes me want another baby : )

Amazing Greis said...

What an angel, so sweet.

Sleeping babies are the best.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo! I miss those days...

jen@odbt said...

I think I felt my ovaries jump. What a sweet picture and baby.

Anonymous said...

This is so beautiful for so many reasons. You did a wonderful job. :)

Miti said...

Your little Emily is precious. Love the photo!

DawnS said...

Your picture makes me feel wistful - who doesn't love a tiny baby snuggled close and sleeping? Beautiful!

Aly @ Lip Zip said...

Oh my heart. That is such a darling picture.

Danyele Easterhaus said...

oh i am so filled with joy and happiness seeing that precious pea! great pic!!

4 Lettre Words said...

Darling! Love babies in hats!!

Unknown said...

Beautiful little baby picture. Love it!

ShEiLa said...

So peaceful.
Nothing better to watch than a sleeping baby...

scrappysue said...

that's such a beautiful photo


adorable I love this tender moment !

Carebear said...

So sweet! I love having baby so close to my chest like this. Our is growing so fast, I know I won't have moments like these much longer. Thanks for the inspiration to get someone to photo me like this. You'll cherish this pic forever I'm sure!

Anonymous said...

So sweet! I loved carrying my babies in my sling.

Kate said...

Pure Bliss! Great shot!

Kmommy said...

Ooh, I also love b&w! What a beautiful picture :)

Kricia Morris Photography said...

Aww, how precious! There's something so peaceful about a sleeping baby. :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

How precious! I don't recall watching her sleep before. :)

Mary said...

What a sweet, adorable picture. I love the perfectness of new little babies - especially in slumber. They are just so peaceful and content. Great entry.