Saturday, February 7, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me...And Lisa

February 8th

Happy Birthday To Me and Lisa
Happy Birthday To Me and Lisa
Happy Birthday Dear Lisa and Alisha,
Happy Birthday To Me and Lisa!

Go on over and wish Lisa a very special birthday!

The below photos are me, when I was little and cute. I think the first one is around Kindergarten, the second I am not sure. Maybe my Mommy will comment on about how old I was here. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Welll I dont know who lisa is, sorry I didnt add her to my post on you! anyways Happy birthday chic a dee!

Donna. W said...

Happy birthday! I always love looking at older pictures.

Alex @ I'm the Mom said...

Happy Birthday !!!!! I hope your day was fantastic :D

You were so adorable as a child! Awww. Thanks for sharing pictures lol. I'd never be as brave.

Anonymous said...


you're a DOLL!

Rachelle said...

Happy Birthday!

Stephanie, Phil, Kayla, Logan & Alex said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you're having a fun but relaxing one.

Michelle said...

happiest of birthdays to you! I hope it was a wonderful day!

Heather of the EO said...

oh my goodness, you're adorable. Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

If my memory serves me right the first picture was taken shortly before we moved to Kansas City which was in 1986 so you would have been five. The second picture was taken when you went to visit your Uncle Gary and Aunt Jan in Nebraska and you were 6 years old. You are just as cute and perfect now as you were then. Happy Birthday - we love you. Mom
PS: Thank you for such lovely granddaughters - they are alot like you.

Unknown said...

I hope you had a GREAT birthday! :) Your daughters look just like you!

Dragonfly Kisses said...

awww sorry I'm late but Happy Birthday!!!