Thursday, December 25, 2008

PhotoStory Friday- Joy and Wonder

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Children: The joy...Waking up to a room full of gifts!

Parents: The wonder...Where are we going to put all of this?


Chris said...

You're going to put it all over the floor for the next week.
What a great shot.
I hope your Christmas is turning out to be magical.

Robyn said...

That is exactly what I was thinking this morning.

Unknown said...

Looks like Santa was good to them!! :)

Anonymous said...

Awww... nothing beats as seeing the children excited to see the gifts!

My PSF entry is posted here. Please hop on by if you have the time. Happy holidays!

Rachel said...

Awwwww -- what a cute picture!!! :)

Merry Christmas.

Following In My Shoes

TuTu's Bliss said...

LOL That is so true!! We are making a run to the store in the morning in search of storage solutions. I love their Christmas outfits..ADORABLE!!

Honey Mommy said...

What a cute photo!
We spend our holidays far from home, so we wonder how we are going to get it all in the car to take home!

tiarastantrums said...

great photo!! My husband is NOW at Target getting bins!

Anonymous said...

How sweet. I love seeing the children be so excited.

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness......look at that!!

so precious.

Anonymous said...

Love the matching outfits!

storyteller said...

How lovely ... there's nothing quite like Christmas with little ones ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

CC said...

Hahahaha! Some times I make my kids go through all their toys a few weeks before Christmas and donate a bunch of them. I tell them they need to make room for all the new "stuff" they will get. ;)

The Bryant Family said...

OMG, look at all the loot! I hope you had a wonderful day. Tucker is sick, start of Phenomia (however you spell it) and it has been a rough few days. No hospital stay but IF we show any signs of getting worse we probably will be. I hope Emily is feeling better.....I did get some good photos of TUck opening the gifts. He liked tearing the paper off.

4 Lettre Words said...

That is too funny AND so true!!

Precious picture!

Kmommy said...

Oh how fun! :) Love their matching jammies :)

Megan said...

What a sweet picture.

Tabitha Blue said...

Too cute, and yes the joy and wonder. They will love having it all over the house for awhile!!
