Friday night our only mode of transportation's brake line fractured. We still have some use of the brakes but very little. You really have to pump them to stop. Yeah, it makes for good times, especially with two babies in the backseat. An honest and inexpensive mechanic in my stocking would be fantastic.
Saturday the girls colds became worse. Princess Emmy especially. I took her to the ER this morning when she began to wheeze and show signs of labored breathing. They gave her several prescriptions, a chest x-ray and a breathing treatment. It has not turned into Pneumonia but she does have RSV (Bronchialitis). Every four hours we are administering some type of treatment. Please send some magic dust to make them all better for Christmas Day.
Sunday night I was being a good wife and mother, like always. I was preparing dinner. I went to preheat the oven and, well, it caught fire. The stove/oven is now just an ugly piece of ornamental metal in the kitchen. So much for cooking a Christmas brunch for my guests. A simple, electric stove would fit nicely down our chimney. Or if you must, I'll leave the front door unlocked.
And last but not least, I'd like you to send me a plumber. As honest and inexpensive as the mechanic. With the temperatures reaching nearly 25 below (with wind chill) yesterday, all of the pipes in our house froze solid. Daddy woke this morning to find that we had no water anywhere in our house. And still, as I sit and write this letter, we have no water. We've tried everything we can think of, but nothing is working.
I hope you don't think of me as being selfish for writing you this letter but sometimes it doesn't hurt to have a little faith in Christmas. I apologize that there will not be any warm cookies waiting for you, but I will make up for it next year.
Merry Christmas Santa,
I wish I could give you everything on your list! If you lived close to me I culd gte ya the cheap inexpensive mechaninc called my Dad. He is used to fixing my friends's car's!
I also know how your baby feels, rotten to be sick with bronchitis, Especially when Santa is on his way! I have it too and it keeps hanging on !
Now there are several Sears sweepstakes going on right now that you could win some GC's and get the new oven!! I will cross my fingers for that for you!
Now as for water why dont we all just move to Grand cayman!! We could have a white christmas but white beaches instead! Isnt this cold snap suppose to end soon, normally we dont even get this cold down here in the south, so I can only imagine what your going through!
I will keep you in my prayers my dear friend, that Santa brings you everything you need this Christmas!
Oh my, you did need to write a letter to Santa!! I cannot believe all of that happened at once! You will be in my prayers this holiday and I hope your little one is feeling better by Christmas morning!
Oh my. I just read this to my husband beacuse he is always complaining about our bad luck.
I sure hope santa works some magic, especially with the girls health.
And I would say you are due for some serious good luck in the new year.
oh girlie, I am so sorry! I wish there were something I could do. May Santa bring you all on your list.
Wow. I wish I could help. I know one honest mechanic, but he's in Utah.
I wish I could say more than I feel for you, and I honestly hope everything takes a turn for the better -- it doesn't sound like it could get worse.
I hope your family has a Merry Christmas!
Dang girl! Not good at all!
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