This week Izabel, Emily and I had the opportunity to watch and review the new, not yet released, Baby Signing Time Volumes 3 and 4.
We taught Izabel a handful of signs when she was a baby to ease the communication tension. Those signs were a life saver and made Izzy much happier (as well as us) when we knew what she needed. With Emily, we knew we wanted to do sign language as well, but we wanted to increase the amount. So here we are, reviewing the Baby Signing Time Volumes 3 and 4 and preparing to add the large library to Emmy's birthday wish list.
The first episode in this collection is called "A New Day". This episode caught the girls attention immediately. Both Izabel and Emily very much enjoy the outdoors and this episode starts with just that. The songs are catchy and kept my attention as well. Rachel goes through each sign very specifically and slowly enough that Izabel was signing from the begining. Everything from the morning sun to the evening stars is covered in this episode. Emily, almost 10 months, seemed more intrigued than I've ever seen her during a video. She wouldn't take her eyes off of Rachel. She hasn't signed anything from this episode yet, but this was only the first time. I believe that our favorite songs were "Starry Night" and "Night Time". Both girls swayed during the songs.
The second episode that we watched was called "Let's Be Friends". This episode was good as well. Izabel really seemed to like the feelings segment and signed several of them. I'd have to say my least favorite song was "That Tastes Good". It was an okay song, but the girls also lost their attention for that short period. However, the opposites segment was well worth the wait. Izabel has especially been working on opposites. Emily's attention grew more intent during the toy box segment and believe it or not, signed "game". She was watching Rachel with a dazed look in her eyes and then her hands started mimicking what she was seeing. It was very cool, even if by accident.
Overall, I was very pleased with the videos. I had a feeling early on that both of our girls would like them as so many of our friends use the Signing Time collection DVD's. Rachel's vocabulary is very well pronounced and she emphasizes syllables as needed. The videos grabbed my attention as well as the kids and that's important too. When Emily starts signing things left and right, I'm going to have to know what she is saying. The videos allow me to learn as well.
In closing, the one thing I like most about the Signing Time Collection is the break up in content. We all know a child's attention span is frequently diverted. Each episode is broken down into several different segments which allow Rachel (and viewers) to focus on a smaller part of the picture. Different songs and such accompany the segment changes too which is good to keep a child interested.
I was very excited that we were able to review these volumes. I look forward to seeing the collection grow!
My daughter, Emma, loves these Signing Time videos. In fact they are the rage among all of her young cousins as well.
Thanks, by the way, for the comment on my downer post, I really appreciated it. And I am completely on the same page with you, the biggest tragedy of a terrible situation was the impact on a ten year old boy.
Thanks again.
I don't know if you knew this, but I was a special ed teacher before kids. I signed as well as spoke with both kids from early on.
At almost 4 and 5, I can honesly say I think it helped with their verbal skills. If anything, even if before they speak, they can let you know their wants.
I still use it in situations when I can't speak to them, but need to "talk" to them. Ex: when I am picking them up at preschool and the teacher is still talking. ( I am usually signing "sit down and wait)! LOl
These are wonderful. Thank you for posting the snipits. I really think my daughter would love these. When she was younger, we taught her a few signs, and they were lifesavers in helping her to communicate with us.
Thanks for shairing!
Signing is something I taught my kids in elementary school but never thought about as babies. However with my grandson we taught him milk, eat, drink, etc and it has been wonderful. Of course, he's 19 months old and still doesn't talk.
What a wonderful concept! I wish it had been around when my son was a toddler, it would have been so nice for him to be able to communicate what he wanted. You did a nice job reviewing it for us! The girls look so cute sitting there watching it!! :o)
I just ordered my very first signing times video earlier this week and just got a confirmation that it has been shipped. I am totally excited. My daughter is 14 months old and communicates pretty well by mouth, however, I so want her to learns signs.
I read Tuckers blog and that is where I first saw it. I just cant wait.
Thank you for posting on these videos too.
We haven't watched these but we have worked with our youngest on signing. He had a bit of a hard time with it (for the same reasons he's had a hard time with speech) but I think it was a good stepping stone to developing his communication skills even though he only ever used a few signs on a regular basis. A few months ago he was borderline nonverbal but recently he has really started talking a lot more. He still uses the sign for "more" along with the word "mo" when he really wants to emphasize his point :).
I got to review it too. Big fun! :)
I have to know how you got to view them! We LOVE Signing Time. We have all 12 or 13? Volumes of the 'regular'. :)
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