Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
We live in a small town of about 10,000 people. It's quite a bit smaller than where we came from 3 years ago. Our street is a large cliff and there are only a handful of houses around us. Our backyard is nothing but woods winding around to the main roads. Lots of critters and bugs find our neck of the woods quite cozy.
For 3 years now our Raccoon population has been growing. Each year more and more visit our deck where our 3 cats food bowls are. This year Mama Raccoon has six babies. Mama is quite a large Raccoon but her babies are just getting to be about the size of a house cat.
The Raccoons love to come up and eat the cat food and of course play in the water. You know when they've been around for the night because the deck is covered in water and little Raccoon footprints.
The past few weeks the little babies have gotten quite brave. They only run at the very last second. Tonight however, one little baby refused to leave the precious container of cat food.
I sat 3 feet away from him/her and snapped some pictures. I wasn't aiming for quality, just a few happy shots of the little one munching down some grub.
Thank goodness it's Friday! Have a great Labor Day weekend!
OMG, they look so adorable. I love living next to a wooded area. (Except in TX that meant scorpions!).
Are they just out at night?
Wow, wow, wow. I love them when they're babies like that (and when they don't damage our stuff). They're just SO STINKING cute! With those masks and all.
Great photos! Funny that we both used a collage this week. ;)
Wow, those are some tame -- or hungry -- raccoons. They look like thieves, caught red-handed.
What a great catch! Your pictures and story are great.
labour weekend - of course! no more white open toed shoes hehe. if those critters came near our house, my girls would want to adopt ALL of them!
the little scavengers!!!
Fabulous captures!! They really do look like they know you've caught them red handed!!!
Baby raccoons are so cute! Mama raccoons, though, I find a little scary. I would not have been brave enought to take those photos. Great PSF.
Those are great shots of your visitor. Guess I too would have done the same. :)
Fabulous Shots!
They're so stinkin' cute!
Those are very cool pictures! And I think very high quality...
Yes, my little one has tried the dog food, but mostly she likes to put the food in the water. I guess it makes it easier for the dogs to chew... :)
Wow they are so cute. Great pictures!
Aww....baby 'coons. Too cute! Hopefully, they never cause you and problems.
Amazing how cute those stinkin' little rascals can be! Man, they wreak havoc around our place sometimes, but for the last couple of years, we haven't had any trouble.
The one thing about raccoons is their curiosity does get the best of them especially with no perceived threat. Great pictures!
Glad you feed your cats outside, just think if you had a cat door for your cats you'd probably have raccoons in your house too! :)
My word, you got so close to them!
oh they are cute
What darling little pests!
I am always stunned by how brave raccoons can be. That little guy is cute, but I sure hope they don't cause you problems later on.
I want to say how cute he is BUT I keep thinking what he'll be like when he grows up.... A little TOO brave I think!
Those are really good! I'd probably done the same thing as well :-) Happy Labor Day weekend to you too! :-D
You are SO lucky!! I LOVE them! I need to come and play at your house! :) I love the center shot of the eyes in the dark. So cool. :) Will the coons be around in February?
awe that is too cute!
Coons are cute pesky creatures! Cute pix though.
Raccoons always amaze me with how bold they are. They really are something else. Great shots.
Wow you are brave. I'd be terrified of rabies. Regardless, the baby is a cute coon.
The picture of the 4 sets of eyes staring at you in the dark is crazy! They obviously LOVE visiting:)
those little rascals are quite sneaky, aren't they?
I used to feed them Doritos at my grandparent's cabin in NM. They were so cute...masked little bandits.
Great shots!!
Thats my kind of living. I wouldnt put up with the racoons though. I am not as nice. Cool pictures though.
Cool blog
I tagged you on my blog! ;)
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Awww, how sweet! I know they're pesky, but so darn cute anyway. :)
That is cute! Raccoons can be so entertaining. Great pictures!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and entering the giveaway!
What gorgeous photos! I can't wait to check out your photography blog!
Oooooo . . .you are braver than I am. Wild creatures that have the ability to move freak me out!
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