Niki's mom had a new-to-us dog named Jake. As soon as the door opened and Izabel saw Jake, she was in heaven. Jake is a Jack Russell and is a beautiful dog. He was very good with Izzy and enjoyed playing ball with her. He even does tricks like rolling over (really fast) and he can even jump through a hula hoop! Izabel thought that was the coolest thing and kept making him jump through it.
Thanks for making time to visit Niki and we hope to see you again soon!
On Saturday we had the house de-bugged so we had to be scarce for awhile. We took Emily to Urgent Care for a diaper rash that came up out of nowhere, got a scrip and then took the girls to spend the evening with Gama and Papa while Daddy and I did some house cleaning after the de-bugging. It was very strange to be in the house together with no children. It was very quiet!
The girls had a good time with Gama and Papa. Izabel said they played ball outside. Daddy went to pick up the girls around 9pm and they fell asleep in the car. Izabel fell asleep clutching the bag of animal crackers Gama had bought her for being so good. It was a nice quiet evening for this mamma!
Thank you Gama and Papa for watching the Princesses!
A few days (or maybe even weeks) ago I was again given another blogger award! Can you believe it! Karen at 3 Garnets and 2 Sapphires bestowed upon me this award. Karen is such a wonderful blogger and always has such good things to let everyone know about. She has her own store that supplies the coolest tees; Sillymonkeez.com. Her other blog, A Blog Of Goodies, is just that. She lists all kinds of giveaways, freebies, and coupon codes.

Karen has been a very good bloggy friend! Please do check out her awesome blogs!
Karen, thank you so much for passing on this blogger award to me!
I'd like to pass this award on to the following mommies/bloggers who always take time out to visit Izzy N' Emmy and leave comments. Thank you very much for all your support!
Karen at The Bryant Family News
Bren at 3 Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed
Michelle at Big Blueberry Eyes
Bren at 3 Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed
Michelle at Big Blueberry Eyes

Mommy (and Daddy and big brother L.) and baby were doing just fine last night.
Congratulations you all and welcome to the world Brooklyn!
Debugging the house is an excellent thing and smells awful. Sounds like everyone had a nice day away from the house. Glad the diaper rash wasn't too serious too.
And congrats on the award. :)
Yikes! Debugging! Winter is our cure for getting rid of any bugs out around the house! ha! We don't get many inside the house so have never had to do that but my parents have to in Florida regularly. Glad the girls had such a good time with their grandparents! Those are special times for them AND the grandparents! :o)
Congratulations to your cousins on the birth of their new baby girl! I love the name Brooklyn, so cute!
I'm going to try to get your button on my sidebar. I have copied and pasted the code and saved the picture of the button so now we will see if I can get it to work! I'm not a very good tech person but I'm going to give it a try!
Thanks for stopping by, I always love hearing from you and catching up with what's going on with those two little beautiful gals! xoxox
Thanks for the gold card. You're so sweet! *smooches*
We need to debug soon before the spiders take over. Ick! I hate spiders!
What cute girls you have! So fun to have visitors! Woohoo for spending the day with G&G! Love your tub LO too! Way cute!
You are a great bloggy friend!! Thanks for all the kind words. You totally made my day!
I'm off to visit the blogs you are passing this award onto.
Karen of the MomDot Street Team
I'm glad you had a nice time with your friend!
Thank you for passing that award on to me!
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